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Academic Writings and Projects

FlipFinance - a mobile app for financial literacy education

FlipFinance is a mobile app created to improve efficiency of financial literacy education in school, following the standards outlined by the Ministry of Education in Ontario. Using the app, students learn key financial concepts by watching asynchronous video lectures and practicing problems as homework while participating in experiential group activities in the classroom. 


1. KMDI, iSchool, University of Toronto

2. Team Presentation

Applied Psychology: Effective Writing Instructions for Elementary Grade Students

Writing is a higher order skill that involves a range of skills and tasks. It develops over time through interactions between the child’s skills and cognitive resources, the instructional context, and the demands of the writing task (Kellogg, 2008).  This review attempts to explore what current research in the field of early literacy development in writing suggests for effective writing instructions for elementary grades, particularly within the understandings of the goals of language instruction in Canada. 

Discourse Analysis: English Language Education in South Korea

Discourses surrounding English language education in Korea involve issues of political and economic competitiveness in the global market, ideologies of English as a foreign language (EFL) education, and quality of English teachers in primary and secondary schools. Using discourse analysis premised on Fairclough’s (1995) framework of description, interpretation, and explanation, this paper identifies the ways in which the linguistic and socio-cultural hegemony of English has become pervasive in Korean society, and the process by which the Korean government has undertaken national education reforms that reproduce the ideologies of neoliberalism surrounding teaching and learning English in Korea.

Curriculum Development: Financial Literacy Education for Children and Youth

This review attempts to explore what current research in the field of financial literacy suggests the need for financial literacy education to reach the goal of youth financial literacy education. This literature is grounded in empirical research, theoretical and conceptual papers, scholarly journals and policy documents published between 2006 and 2014 because most of the studies in the field of financial literacy education for children and youth is recent. The purpose of this paper is to examine the efficacy of financial literacy education for children and youth and possible initiatives to improve its use.

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